What is Hazardous Area Classification Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2 System


What is Hazardous Area Classification

 Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2 System

Area classification is a method of analyzing and classifying the environment where explosive gas atmospheres may occur.

The main purpose is to facilitate the proper selection and installation of apparatus to be used safely in that environment, considering the properties of the flammable materials that will be present.

In industries, it is crucial to understand and classify areas based on the potential presence of hazardous substances to ensure the safety of workers and prevent accidents.

OSHA Lock Out Tag Out 29 CFR 1910 47 | Part 2

One common classification system used for this purpose is the zoning system, which divides a facility into different zones based on the likelihood of an explosive atmosphere being present.

The three main zones are Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2.

Zone 0 is the area where an explosive atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods of time.

This zone is the most hazardous and requires the highest level of protection for workers and equipment.

Any equipment used in Zone 0 must be specially designed and certified for use in such environments to prevent the risk of ignition and subsequent explosion.


Zone 1 is the area where an explosive atmosphere is likely to occur under normal operating conditions.

Although the presence of the explosive atmosphere in this zone is not as constant as in Zone 0, it is still a high-risk area that requires precautions to be taken.

Equipment used in Zone 1 must be designed to prevent the ignition of hazardous substances and to minimize the risk of explosion.

Zone 2 is the area where an explosive atmosphere is not likely to occur under normal operating conditions but may occur occasionally due to abnormal circumstances.

While the risk in Zone 2 is lower compared to Zone 0 and Zone 1, it is still important to take precautions to prevent accidents.

Equipment used in Zone 2 must be designed to withstand the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere and to reduce the risk of ignition.

Proper zoning classification is essential for ensuring the safety of workers and preventing catastrophic accidents in industrial settings.

By understanding the characteristics of each zone and implementing appropriate safety measures, employers can create a safe working environment for their employees.


As per HSE UK, The most common values used are:

  • Zone 0: Explosive atmosphere for more than 1000h/yr
  • Zone 1: Explosive atmosphere for more than 10, but less than 1000 h/yr
  • Zone 2: Explosive atmosphere for less than 10h/yr, but still sufficiently likely as to require controls over ignition sources.

In conclusion, the zoning classification system of Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 plays a critical role in identifying areas with potential hazards and implementing necessary safety precautions.

By categorizing industrial facilities into these zones and using equipment certified for use in hazardous environments, employers can protect their workers and prevent accidents.

It is important for all personnel working in such areas to be aware of the zoning classification and adhere to safety protocols to ensure a safe work environment for all.


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