Fire Prevention for Construction Site


Fire Prevention for Construction Site

Fire Prevention for Construction Site

Safety Officer Interview Q & A

Health Hazards of Chemicals

Fire Prevention Outdoors

1.Fires on any industry, especially in construction sites are the cause of serious loss, both of material and, in many cases, productivity.

2.The buildings should be at least 4 meters apart to diminish the risk of fire spreading.

3.Food halls and cooking accommodations shall be at least 6 meters away from any other buildings for maintain a safe distance.

4.Ensure the open spaces free from obstructions - The space between buildings shall not be obstructed, either by materials, equipment or vehicles.

5. Double ensure the highly flammable substances, gas cylinders, gasoline and other fuels, paints and thinners, etc., shall all be stored in proper buildings well away from the rest and clearly marked. The storage should be as per the manufacturer SDS- Safety Data Sheet.



6.Provide appropriate first aid fire fighting equipment, extinguishers, hosereels etc., shall be located in all buildings and stores. Ensure employees are aware and make use of it.

7.All FFE - Fire Fighting Equipment shall be regularly serviced and inspected by the competent employee.

8.Fuel dispensation tanks for the vehicles or any other purposes, should be in restricted areas, properly marked. Dispenser nozzles on the hose shall be of the self-closing type. All tanks and hoses shall be grounded at two different location.

9.The flammable liquids shall not be kept or transported in containers. Only approved containers shall be used.

10.Spill kit & Secondary containment to be maintained. Where there is the possibility of spillage of flammable liquid, care shall all be taken that it does not run into any drains or sewers. Drip trays shall be provided.

11.Provide a legible signage in the storage area. STRICTLY observe NO SMOKING on Storage & Handling flammable materials such as: Fuel, Paint, Plastic, Gas cylinder, Wood etc.




Fire Prevention Indoors

1.Ensure the buildings shall be fitted with adequate smoke detectors as per the requirements.

2.Public Buildings - Mess halls, recreation centres and other public buildings shall be fitted with alarm bells and push buttons.

3.On locating a fire a employee shall first of all call the Fire Brigade by telephone, giving his name, the exact location, type and any other helpful information about the fire.

4.Provide training to all employees on practical fire fighting. Only if you can do so at no risk to yourself should you endeavour to attack the fire.

Saudi Aramco HSE Interview Q & A – Part 4

5.Switch off all unused electrical equipment when you leave a building.

6.Do not use homemade, taped, electrical connections, plugs, sockets, etc.

7.Do not overload electrical sockets which leads short circuit & fire.

8.Only use proper ashtrays, DO NOT put cigarette ash or butts in the trash bin.

9.Security guards patrolling the buildings, offices, etc., shall be particularly alert for fires. Those found in early stages can usually be controlled. Provide necessary training to all security guards.


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