Ten Principles for Lifting


Ten Principles for Lifting


Ten Principles for Lifting


Scaffolding PTW Permit To Work (PTW) Template Sample

Categorizing the lifting, All lifting operations are categorised by the Person in Charge to reflect the risk of the lift. This then defines the required controlling documents and the competence of the employees involved in the lifting activity.


Training & Competency requirements - All employees involved in planning, performing, lifting and maintaining lifting equipment are trained and assessed as competent for their role. Competence is assured through relevant experience, initial and refresher training, and periodic assessments.


Responsibilities of each roles - One person in the lift crew is designated as the Person In Charge of the lifting operation. All personnel involved in the lifting operation have their individual responsibilities clearly defined and communicated prior to commencement of the lifting operation.


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Risk Assessment & Lift Plan - A risk assessment is required for every lift, regardless of category. A lift plan is required for every lift, with the level of detail required defined by the category of lift. A Permit to Work may also be required subject to lift complexity and company policy.


Competent Person - An approved competent person (Lifting Technical Authority, Advisor, Engineer or Subject Matter Expert) is engaged in assuring that all lifting operations are correctly planned and managed.


A Red Zone is established. All non-authorised personnel are restricted from entering the Red Zone1, and all personnel are kept clear of suspended/travelling loads and lifting equipment or between the load and any heavy immovable object. Hard barricading to be provided.


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Periodic Inspection - Lifting Equipment is thoroughly examined on a regular basis by an inspector who is sufficiently independent from the on-site lifting crew, and who may be external or an in-house appointee. The examination refers to an acknowledged Standard for scope, methodology and acceptance/rejection criteria. All safety and monitoring devices installed on lifting equipment are operational and not by-passed or disabled. The employee doing inspection should be trained in all aspects.

NOTE: Periods of inspections can be influenced by the nature and robustness of use and application as well as the environments of use.


Pre use Inspection - All lifting equipment is visually inspected by a competent person before and after use. Equipment integrity is maintained and faulty equipment is removed from serviced and tagged as such. Inspection and maintenance activities are recorded in an equipment register.


Periodic audits and inspections are conducted by an Approved Competent Person by the respective country local authorities.


Rescue Plan - Any Lifting of personnel is classified to the category requiring the highest level of controls and a rescue plan is included as part of the Lift Plan. Any equipment used for lifting personnel is certified for the specific activity and used according to recognised international standards.







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