Operating the Locos for train movement or Loco movement safely inside the plant Premises having the hazards like Hit / Run over.


General Safety Precautions for Loco


Following safety precautions shall be taken during operation of a loco:

Use PPEs i.e. safety boots, helmets etc. as per requirement.

Ensure the presence of firm railings, stairs and couplers of the locomotive.

Ensure that the locomotive floor is clean. If it is oily, wipe with cotton or spray saw dust on it for absorption.

Ensure that the brakes, lights and horn are working properly.

Ensure that 2-4 scotch blocks are available on the loco and that the Shunting Porter (S/P) places scotch blocks under the wheels of the wagon, next to the loco, to prevent rolling of wagons and accidents.

Ensure availability of the fire extinguishers inside the cabin. Periodic inspection to be done and date of checking should be displayed.

At least three of the crew (1 loco operator & two shunting porters) must be present in the locomotive at all times.

Maintain safe speed of train & sudden braking must be avoided.


Loco to stop before level crossing, S/P will get down, caution the road traffic and signal the loco operator to move the loco. Auto drop gate to be provided where road traffic is more.

Operator must ensure that the S/P is in front of the train with signal flag/ signal lamp / Walkie-Talkie and is following the signals & keeps a sharp lookout for overhead traveling cranes.

Never start, or couple with, a loco or train suddenly. After getting clearance/ signal, first blow a long horn as a warning and then gradually start the motion.

Shunting Porter will check that points are set properly in the desired direction of movement. Permissible gap in tongue rail on hand points is 5 mm max & for motorized points, it is 3 mm max.

Move loco carefully in fire/ spark prone areas like BF, SMS and any other identified unit.

While driving, observe control panel and other equipment of the loco to ensure safety and to avoid accidents/ delays.

Be well conversant with the wagon handling capacity of loco.


If the loco fails on a gradient, immediately stop by braking and put adequate scotch blocks for blocking the wheels of loco and train (Block at least 4 wagons).

Handle walkie-talkie with care as sometimes it is the only mode of communication.

Mobiles not to be used during movement and operation of loco.

When approaching any point keep a sharp look out for another train coming from its loop line and moving in the same direction to avoid side collision.

In case of fire, use the fire extinguisher available on the loco. If not adequate, inform fire services giving your exact location.

Never allow unauthorised persons on the locomotive.

S/P to wear retro – reflective Jackets for easy identification.

Retro-reflective strips to be provided in loco body.

S/P should not move between couplers.

S/P to be given the “On the job training”.


Brakes of Loco and 5 to 7 wagons are to be kept connected to form a unit to prevent accidental rolling of the rake on slope.

Shop floor must be cleaned and free from oily substances.

One S/P on front side, second S/P at rear side of locomotive to be present during operation.



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