
Compressed gases, including liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), are used extensively on construction sites and provide a valuable source of energy. Misuse, however, can result in fires, serious accidents and injuries.

Main points:

Treat all cylinders as full.

Regularly inspect hoses, cylinders and valves for damage and wear and tear.

The likes of Oxy/Acetylene cylinders should only be used by competent persons.

Discussion Points:

Keep cylinders away from the sun, artificial heat, flammable materials, corrosive chemicals, etc. 

Do not smoke in vicinity.

If a cylinder catches fire, then call the fire brigade. Cool the cylinder with water spray only i f safe to do so.

Always have fire extinguishers located within reasonable proximity to any hot work being carried out.

Use hot work permits if appropriate.

Ensure everyone knows fire procedures including alarm signal, evacuation routes, assembly area, and correct use of  fire extinguishers (including types!).

A void damage to cylinder valves and fittings. Don’t use then as carrying aids. Open valves slowly and close sufficiently to cut gas supply – do not use excessive force.

Always secure acetylene cylinders in upright position. Ensure all cylinders are stored so that they cannot  fall or roll.

Consider manual handling of cylinders – they are heavy! Use a trolley for full size cylinders or get assistance.

Always unload cylinders from lorries, vans, etc, by fitting – not by dropping/ sliding.

Transport cylinders in vehicles in vehicles with good ventilation – ensure relevant signs (compressed gases) are clearly displayed on vehicles.

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