Near Miss, Incident & accident?
Miss: Near miss is
an incident, which resulted in no injury or illness and / or damage (loss) to
people, asset, the environment or Company reputation.
Example: A water
tanker tilted.
Incident is any unwanted
and unplanned occurrence/event which resulted or could have resulted to
physical injury or death to person or damage to property or environment.
Or An undesired event that has caused or
could have potentially caused personal injury, illness and / or damage (loss)
to assets, production or harm to environment or third party.
Accident is an
undesired unplanned occurrence which resulted to an injury or death to person
or damage to property or environment. It is occurring due to unsafe acts or
unsafe condition or combination of both.
OR Accident is an unexpected, unplanned
and unwanted occurrence which is occurred by unsafe act and unsafe condition or
combination of both, which can be resulted in injury to person and damage to
property and environment.
Example: A car collided with another vehicle.
What is Unsafe
Acts & Unsafe Conditions?
Acts: Working
without safety precaution or the act which can be create accidents. OR It
is a violation of an accepted safety procedure which could have permitted to
occurrence of an accident.
Example: Working at height without any fall
protection, Working/Walking under lifted load
Conditions: The
place where hazardous is hiding. OR It is a physical condition which
could have permitted to occurrence of an accident.
Example: Working inside the deep trench
without slopping or shoring, Damaged tool/equipments.