Indian Standard for PPE's

IS for PPE's

IS 2925 Industrial Safety Helmet
IS 4151 Two wheeler Helmet
IS 9562 Police force Helmet
IS 5679 Miners Cap Lamp
Eyes and Face
IS 8520, 8521 Guide for selection of eye and head protection.
IS 2553 Safety Glasses
IS 10592 Eye and Face shower
IS 8520 Guide for selection
IS 9067 Ear Protectors s
IS 6229 Ear Muffs
IS 8807 Guide for selection
IS 2573 Leather Hand Gloves
IS 6994 Safety Gloves
IS 4770 Electrical Rubber Hand gloves
IS 4148 Surgical Hand gloves
Feet and Legs
IS 6519,10607 Foot protection
IS 1989 Leather safety shoes
IS 4128 Leather shoes for Fireman
IS 11225 Safety shoes for women and steel plant workers.
IS 12254 PVC Shoes
IS 3292, 13695 Chemical Resistant shoes
Body and Lungs
IS 8519 Guide for selection of body and lung protectors
IS 4501 Acid and alkali resistant aprons
IS 9623 Selection and use of Respiratory protective devices.
IS 8522 Chemical Cartridge respirator
IS 8523 Canister Respirator
IS 10245 B A Set.